We see insects everywhere, so much so that we often ignore them. Another frequent response is to squash them. But peek a bit closer and whole strange worlds open up. For one thing, they are unmatched in variety and abundance. There are more species of insects than any other class in Animalia.
Like all arthropods, insects have an external exoskeleton which provides protection to their body. In addition, insects have the following distinguishing characteristics:
three major body parts: the head, thorax and abdomen
six legs (three pairs of many-jointed legs)
two antennae
There are many orders of insects. Those for which I have photographs are listed below.
Coleoptera contains the beetles and is the largest order in the Kingdom Animalia.
Diptera is the order containing flies, which includes house flies, mosquitoes, horse flies, robber flies, and many other families.
Lepidoptera consists of the butterflies and moths.
Odonata consists of the dragonflies and damselflies.